Why you should hire a Professional to succeed in marketing communication projects?

In recent chats with clients more often I observe confusion between marketing, communications, and content strategy. When we think about it, the term contains two extremely profound and complex fields - no wonder there is a bit of confusion present. Today my goal will be to guide you and explain the difference between those as simple as I can, so more of you will be able to define what you really need first to start your business.

Why you should hire a professional to succeed in marketing and communication projects? Discover the secret behind a well fit collaboration.

Here's the most simplified answer I was able to create so far:

Marketing is all about markets and the ideal clients.

Marketing Communications, shortly Communication is the messaging, the story you tell about your brand, product, or service, in a different way through predefined marketing channels, depending on the buyer's preferences.

Content is how you tell the story, so all about various forms to pass the message in the right and fast way to your ideal clients.

Marketing Strategy Unwrapped

While marketing strategy is strictly related to how you approach your business strategy in the first place, a suite of marketing communications tools complement it. These tools and channels like email, social media, web content, campaigns or brochures, presentations, etc. are used to share your brand story and influence customers to buy your service or product.

That means - it's all about presenting you and your advantages in a straightforward yet subtle way and embedding you in the client's mind while having a concrete and predefined desire or need.

What is Communication Strategy?

Communication Strategy, my field of expertise, helps to define the suitable messaging, which channels and tools to use as the priority ones to reach the full marketing potential in the current stage of the business life cycle, taking into account inter alia resources, audience preferences, and sales strategy. You should also take into account the customer life cycle and funnel marketing theories while shaping correct communication on the corresponding stage of customer familiarity with your brand, product, or service. For example, you do explain different aspects when you introduce yourself than what you say after a while of having contact with someone (read more about the customer life cycle marketing here).

Marketing Communications step by step. Where to start?

To proceed with the choice and development of the marketing communications channels you should first establish details about your ideal client and needs towards your product and service as a part of marketing and go-to-market strategy and target audience breakdown.

After establishing the characteristics of your client's needs - the obvious and the hidden ones - and expectations, you can develop the right, authentic messaging and story that resonates with your audience. That means - without a clarified marketing strategy there are no fundaments to create a decently functioning Communication Strategy and decide on Content 🤷

OK. Communication Strategy and then what?

Thanks to these steps above you'll be able to start preparing a content strategy for each chosen communication way - channel. Pay attention to your content to highlight the value you bring to the table, be branded, and have an understandable storytelling flow. The messaging flow is essential because it will not only explain your offering more lightly, but most of all, bring real value by building the connection between client needs and your solution. Properly set up content will effectively help to make the customer's decision to buy your product or service faster.

Why do you need a Marketing Communications guide?

Let's summarize, the marketing strategy and plan determine target markets to stay active on based on profitable economic trends, the communications plan develops the product or service story to customers on the chosen markets and other interested parties. The two should complement each other. Only then will your brand be protected and business goals will be achieved in time.

Even though I've put the difference between marketing, communications, and content strategy on the table, millions of tiny, yet concrete decisions must be taken to launch your marketing communications and keep your channels active, original, and converting. It's just easier to do when you have a person, who can guide you on your side 😉

Resonate with you? Reach out and let's talk about leveling up your marketing communications efforts. Click the button below and book your evaluation session today.

Still in doubt? Check the testimonials here :)

One more thing! If you ever benefited from my advice, but for various reasons haven't still One more thing! If you ever benefited from my advice, but for various reasons haven't still booked a personalized guiding session, at least show some gratitude and kindness - buy me a coffee. Happy to keep sharing more marketing and mindful communication insights with you!


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