How to avoid burnout and take care more mindfully of your work-life balance?

Why “mental well-being at work” is a topic worth elaborating on for more than just a quick coffee chat?

You can ask, why does a marketing communications consultant talk about mental health? 🏃‍♀️ What’s more, why decide to shift your career in a completely different direction and start to teach others how to work mindfully?🌿

Working in such a high-paced environment of start-ups, corporations, or simply entrepreneurs who measure their success exclusively by the number of 0s in the bank account, can be draining. Being a manager and taking constant responsibility, delegating tasks, and collaborating can be a heavy experience if the tools to protect yourself are not adjusted accordingly. Especially when you mix various personalities, working and communication cultures, and various professional worlds.

Unfortunately, too often the priorities in the business world are put upside down.

Reaching KPIs and measuring ROIs prevails over a decency and human factor, which puts a heavy burden on professional relationships, and quality of life. Providing real value seems undeniably impossible while working in such a shortsighted manner. When we forget to work at a healthy, adapted pace and manner, it hits everyone around us: customers, employees, partners, and our personal relationships.

Many put more emphasis on the number of projects released and their results, to keep a high position in this race for supposing a better life while forgetting, why we work. This unhealthy work-life approach puts us in a state of high functional stress, what’s more, can even put us in a state of burnout or cause other serious mental health disorders. (If you’re interested in learning more, here’s a helpful article by Headspace about burnout, its types, and possible remedies.)

So here’s a quick reminder: WE WORK TO LIVE. Not the other way around.

Have a look on some free resources to help you stay grounded: the starter kit section. And if you think that it’s only our generation’s issue, you’ll be disappointed - even Albert Einstein pointed out in his diaries the healthy and purposeful reason to do the work.

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.
— Albert Einstein

Mindful Work-Life In A Nutshell

Getting out of unhealthy work patterns is challenging. Sometimes it requires unwinding years of automated behaviors, accumulated stress, trauma, or abandoned boundaries. In the Mindful Work-Life journey the goal is simple: to help you (re)create and learn all over new, absolutely conscious behaviors, that will be your shield from unhealthy levels of work-related stress and pain.

That’s why I decided to break down the essential knowledge about well-being and mental health in the workplace. I made my mission to help exhausted, unhappy, and unmotivated people understood, how to regain energy and move forward toward more fulfilling, satisfying and balanced work-life.

👥️ Together with my clients, we often talk through a variety of professional situations that cause stress, often without even realizing what's happening. Some of them share that it's really helpful when someone guides them through different situations and shows a variety of solutions to implement to feel better 🤲🥹

How To Avoid Burnout? A Practical Step-by-step List

If you’re not ready yet to have guided sessions, that's all right. Sometimes it takes a while to admit that the situation is not ideal and find the courage to start finding your unique solution. While you grow to this decision, have a look at some facts that I prepared to help you get more understanding of how to take care of your well-being mindfully in the workplace, too:

1. There's no health without mental health. Mental well-being is an integral part of our everyday hygiene routine, the same way as walking, yoga, drinking enough water, balanced nutrition and screen time, or even taking a shower and brushing our teeth. 🧼

2. Taking care of ourselves and our mind is NOT weakness It shows wisdom and strength. Learning well-being through daily activities like meditation, acknowledging feelings and releasing them, taking a break, setting boundaries, or slowing down the pace is essential if you want to lead a healthy lifestyle (which I assume you want 😊).

3. Being MINDFUL, so to estimate correctly and follow the natural steps, what we can do here and now is a skill that you learn, not inherited. Remember to adjust the speed and intensity of daily activities in the wider perspective 🏃‍♀️, learn how to adapt and choose priorities - not every task or project needs to be completed right now, some should wait until it turns.

4.❤️‍🔥 Feels are valid and need to be noticed and released 💨 These lovely and inspiring, like joyful, satisfied, proud, powerful, sensitive, optimistic, important, or happy! So as these unwanted and ugly like feeling angry, anxious, sad, helpless, lonely, impatient, confused, and trapped, too.
They all show the direction and are like a map, which if you learn how to read it mindfully🧭, they'll direct you to the treasure - your peace of mind, to live a more fulfilling, healthy, and happy life.

5. Admit how you feel openly and respectfully, and show yourself compassion in the same way as you would do it to a friend in need. You are in a process, and it's OK to feel, analyze and decide what serves you.🫶 If someone is trying to push your buttons, protect your boundaries consequently, yet calmly. It helps to gain some distance and be at peace with yourself, avoiding frustration and miscommunication in various types of situations. Be kind to yourself. Be patient. Be compassionate. Try to see your emotion from the perspective - is it still so scary? Is it possible to observe it without reacting? Try. Then think about what to do with it, and if possible, respectfully, let it go.

How to achieve a healthy work-life balance? Lead a more fulfilling and happy life. Learn how to grow mindfully and build a healthy professional environment.

Lead a more fulfilling, calm and happy work-life. Learn how to grow mindfully and build a healthy professional environment for yourself and for your team.

Why is essential to take care of your mental health?

🪷 Mental health is health. Without acknowledging and taking care of yourself, it's really hard to live a good quality life. This, on the other hand, is a foundation to build long-term, healthy relationships in your personal and professional life, also with yourself. So don’t wait till you feel too tired, too demotivated, too sad, or too afraid - take a deep breath and think of what small change you can do today to deliver a higher quality project and at the same time, have more work-life balance and therefore, be more fulfilled and happy.

And I’m here to help you achieve that in a smoother, faster, and most of all - your own way. So if you struggle to find the balance, if you’re often too upset, tired, angry, or demotivated, it’s time to act, it’s time to start adapting your current ways into a more mindful direction. This is the first step to achieving a better work-life balance.

Weronika has a very special way of communicating, that is precious, mindful and emphatic. It just makes things better. Like it did for me today and many times before during our mindful mindset growth mentoring & coaching sessions. I am so grateful that I’ve met Weronika on my way. (...) I recommend her from the bottom of my heart. ❤️
— Joanna, CEO & Digital Creator
Weronika is not only an amazing loyal colleague, but also a great coworker and mentor. Always ready to help, explain, and give advice. She always finds time and enough patience to do so. Coworkers and Clients appreciate her exceptional problem-solving and client collaboration skills. What is more, she supports with whole her heart any charity actions and events dedicated to animals!
— Basia, Global Senior Coordinator

If you ever benefited from my input, but for various reasons didn’t book a personalized guiding session yet, please show some support and kindness - buy me a coffee. The funds gathered will be dedicated to help guiding those who are less fortunate, and need help as much as you do.

Special Mindful Career Building Program For Post-Graduates and People Returning to Work After a Break

Are you a graduate? Or a freshly entering the market professional who feels a bit lost in front of this new chapter of your life which is career development? Or maybe you’re preparing to switch careers soon?
Or you’re a mother thinking about returning to work? Or perhaps were you forced to have a career break and now you’re getting ready to enter the market once again?

Take charge of your future and get guidance. Here’s a highly personalizable program that can make or break your career path. Discover more about “Build your Career Smartly and Mindfully” - click the button below.

I had the great pleasure of participating in a workshop conducted by Weronika. She very interestingly imparted knowledge to us based on practical examples in project management. In addition, she helped us to refine the event we organized and show which aspects we could achieve more. I have already taken some of the advice and I am very happy with the way the meeting was organized.
— Jacob, Student, Junior CS Advisor

Why you should hire a Professional to succeed in marketing communication projects?