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Discover more ways to grow your mindset and your business mindfully and how to communicate more effectively and with clarity. Check out products designed specifically to let you evolve in line with your needs and purpose.

Find Happiness Again - Take The Ikigai Test
Sale Price:€5.55 Original Price:€9.89

Do you struggle to find happiness daily? Do you feel you don't belong? Do you feel like something missing in your life right now, even though it seems like you have it all? Do you more often feel frustrated than satisfied?

If you've answered even one of the questions above YES, then it’s time to take a closer look at your current life situation. It’s easy to miss the sense and lose the purpose in the everyday rush fever. The good news is you got to this page, and you want to screen yourself.

Ikigai philosophy may help you feel better and rediscover what you want from your life. Following the Oxford English Dictionary explains ikigai as "a motivating force; something or someone that gives a person a sense of purpose or a reason for living." Ikigai refers to something that brings pleasure or fulfillment, and it's a Japanese psychological concept developed and successfully popularized more than 55 years ago.

Take the Ikigai Test today. It’s short and simple, and it’ll give you a clear direction on where to focus your efforts to become a healthier and happier version of yourself 😊

Get in touch here to get the test.

Take now the Ikigai Test and get a map to your more purposeful life for €5.55 instead of €10 - the offer is limited!

Evolve Mindfully: Guided Exercises To Finding Your Purpose with This Checklist

Evolve more mindfully, together with your career path or business.

Do the exercises and get free fully personalized growth advice via on how to approach your current challenge.

This exercise will help you define the right path for your mindful professional journey.

What you’ll get:

✔️ Tailored exercise to define your path and purpose in life and business based on the Ikigai growth concept 

✔️ Free advice over a call, email or what’s app after completing the exercise on your result and next steps to facilitate your growth path to happiness and fulfillment 

Get in touch for more details. Begin to evolve mindfully already today 🦋

Leverage Digital Marketing Channels - Start With Analysis

You have nice social media channels or websites, but the clients are not knocking at your door? The conversion rate is low? Are you disappointed because you put in a lot of time and effort, but your sales results are not like you imagined?

It’s not time to worry, it’s time to act and get to the bottom of the conversion issue!

With this Analysis Program, you’ll receive information about all the gaps through which your potential clients slip away. I'm going to help you leverage your marketing and communication efforts to improve your customer conversion and build loyalty. Book “Channel Analysis” and within hours get to the bottom of what could be facilitated on the spot and in a longer perspective, so you can get in touch with your ideal clientele faster and more effectively!

What you’ll receive:

✔️ multichannel screening by a marketer with 13+ international marketing and management experience

✔️ highly personalized guidance on what to improve tailored to your business type and personality type

✔️ 1 strategic session to talk through further marketing direction

✔️ your personal dashboard with notes and suggestions from the channel analysis

✔️ a checklist to make sure you’re on the fast track to implementing all the suggested modifications

✔️ further assistance via email

✔️ priceless knowledge and skills, that you can implement later by yourself

Can you imagine that for the price of just one fancy dinner date out with your loved one, you get answers that will help your business get more traction and effectively more income within weeks?😃

The package starts at €321, depending on the number of channels project the cost may vary.

Do you have more than 2 channels? Get in touch to align the timeline and offer.

I need an expert!

Do you need expert support in setting up a properly working website, online shop or
to create your brand’s identity?

No worries! No one is an expert in everything. Reach out to me and I’ll recommend a Marketing Specialists, who can help you honestly and fast solve your business issues.

Start your journey to a better understanding today

Here are highly recommended publications and articles for your personal and business growth:

Erin Meyer: “ The Culture Map”

If you work in an international environment or simply want to get an idea of what mean specific gestures, phrases, words, habits, or whole behavioral patterns, this book is a MUST.

Edward L. Deci: “Why we do what we do”

An insightful psychological study of our self-motivations

Adam Grant: “Give and Take”

If you want to learn more on how has changed the dynamic of the modern world

Simon Sinek: “Start with Why”

This position is an absolute must for any entrepreneur, business owner, leader, marketer, salesperson, project manager, business analyst or CEO - for everyone and anyone. Just to keep the pin on the importance of the reason WHY behind the business decisions and how to build value all around.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: “Flow”

All you need to know to start learning about the science and psychology when building the optimal experience

Everyone Hates Marketers

How Louis brilliantly goes through the essence of selling without selling

Read the article here

Neil Patel Wisdoms

Controversial and standing out lessons learned on how to think like a successful entrepreneur, how to take mindful decisions, trust your experts and keep growing your business

Read the article here

Below are some of my favorite graphics - here for you to get more perspective before we meet: