Life Cycle Evolution

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What is Customer Lifecycle Marketing and Why it is a Key for your business?

Hello, I’m Weronika and for 13 years now I have been working as a Customer Lifecycle Marketer (for those of you with a more traditional vision – Marketing Communications Strategy Guide) with a strong specialty in finding the right voice for the specific audience types on international markets.

Some of you asked recently what Lifecycle Marketing actually means and it’s the best time to put some light on what exactly this Marketing field is and how it translates into tangible help for clients, their brands, and business revenues.

Ready? Let’s go!

(but if you are also curious about my work experience, visit my LinkedIn page - it’s the most up-to-date)

Why Customer Lifecycle Marketing Is a Key For Your Business Success?
Read the blog to get a grasp of the idea 💡

What is Customer Lifecycle Marketing?

Customer Lifecycle Marketing means driving the client smoothly throughout the full sales funnel and effectively boosting conversions, retention and loyalty throughout your channels, multiple times, fast and happily. Since it's based on behavioral marketing this purposeful theory is mostly implemented in digital channels, but it should be combined also with traditional offline sales and customer support.

The main goal of Lifecycle Marketing is to drive the client smoothly throughout the full sales funnel and effectively boost conversions, retention and build long-lasting loyalty.

This successful marketing trend encouraged Big Brands like Ikea, Amazon, Mazda and more, to willfully improve the Customer Experience throughout all lifecycle stages, making sure the progress is synchronic and communication during every touchpoint with potential and existing clients is unified and flows naturally pulling the client closer to the purchase.

What are the benefits of Customer Lifecycle Marketing?

Implementing Customer Lifecycle Marketing strategy gives you the chance to integrate and manage all communication channels in a way to:

- deliver the correct (needed) information,

- trigger the right behavior during every step of the customer journey,

- encourage customers to use the services repeatedly

- and effectively advocate for your brand.

Techniques like highly personalized and customized messaging, re-targeting, or instant support thanks to automated processes are a must in creating a successful Customer Lifecycle Marketing, and Brand Experience.

Why Lifecycle Marketing is important for your brand?

Customer Lifecycle Marketing is important because it unifies marketing and communication tactics, making sure the buying journey designed for the client-to-be is exquisite, flawless, easy to comprehend and convertible. Thanks to getting deep into understanding clients’ primary needs for a product, we can deliver a complete and holistic brand experience, enforcing retention and unforced customer loyalty. Finally, all of these strategic actions aim to champion long-lasting relationships and set up self-paced, long-term, self-sustaining sales results, visibly shifting your business results.

Let's get in touch. I’ll gladly help to design an individual Customer Lifecycle Strategy and Plan for your brand. Let’s set together your business on the path to constant efficient growth.

Calling Kindness and Gratitude

If you ever benefited from my input, but for various reasons didn’t still book a personalized guiding session or Lifecycle Marketing Plan, show some gratitude and kindness - write to me what intrigued you to try it out in your communication plans or buy me a coffee.
It brings me joy to share marketing and mindful communication insights, yet I’d like to know, that you’re there, listening and testing solutions on your own.